Monday 21 December 2009

tidak ada fotoku didompetmu

(@ abe's room)

hikzhikzhikz,,,sedih,,,apa foto itu penting y?lbh pnting namaku yg tersimpan dihatinya daripada foto didompet,,hufffffffff!!! tp knp gw sedih y, mybe krn tryata si cwe begrond (background) sampe skrg msh jd begron:((( *kirain bakal diganti,,ckckck..mau mnta di apus/ di ganti (ngerasa ga pny hak utk itu) so dibawa enjoy ja laah,,de importnt things >> jgn negative thinking N try to trust bacco:D (i wrote this on 22nov09) and now, 19/12 (sabtu), gw udh ga bete lagi kok,,hewhew,,bcoz dia udh apus si cwe begrond (dunno in his heart) tp account'y jg udh diapus jd otomatis ga ada cwe begrond lg (yg ada aku dan dia:D tralalalalaa..
sebenar'y ga bagus jg kalo trll cinta but i can't lie to myself that i love him sooo muuuch, how dare me loved someone who never met before (*prnh ktmu when we're child, 20years ago)?? fiuhhh..its so s*ck but i enjoy my feelin with him..rrggghhh..yg pasti gw harus selalu inget kalo cinta itu pake otak jangan mau rugi hati juga rugi waktu tp susah jg y di realisasikan dikehidupan nyata krn tryata perasaan ga mau ketinggalan dlm hal ini:-s

oh y skrg gw lg break for 2month sm gooosshh,,can i survive without him,,lebaaay marelaay neh,,missing him so much and i realized that i couldnt live without him, my life isnot colourfull, like living in the world of black and white..fiuh!!!ada kejadian aneh hr ni, 21/12 (senin), gw ktmu cwo mirip sama dia naik motor gede keren gitu tp kalo diperhatiin msh gantengan si baccot sich,, gw bener2 shock aplg inget kt2'y "kalo plg mau diem2 trus mantau diem2 lewat2 depan rumah ngendap2" its impossible c bcoz he busy with his exam...

oh y talk bout valentine's day on 14feb later, i have no a plan and actually i never celebrate that with someone special. when i was in a relationship with my first boyfrend, i never got a valentine's gift from him, and i never asked him to gimme a gift. even though he never gimme but i'd like to give him a gift (chocolate>>murahan>>maklum cwe kere,,xixixi..and card of love>kartu ucapan lope2). what about my valentine with bacco' (pacarku yg sekarang,,xixixi)?its the first valentine for us:D but i think nothing special on valentine's day later such as valentine's day ago coz i dont need a gift, just wanna hear him tell me that he loves me, its enough, and talk bout our feelin'. Actually i wanna give him a gift but kalo kirim coklat jauh gitu ntar benyek duluan,,huhuuu..udh gitu jgn kasih coklat lah mending makan bwt sndiri,,kekekekk,,:D just wanna u know that i luv u and need u although sometimes i hate u,,hufff!!

@hum 05.00PM

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