Saturday, 1 January 2011


New years eve this year, i rest ma time with ma big family in ma sist's house on sentul, bogor:) bakar ayam, jagung, ikan smpe ubi, its delicious,,yummy it has been eaten with all people tat i luv. HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL:) hari ini tanggal 1.1.11 adalah waktu yg tepat utk menuliskan segala resolusi tahun depan, salah satu resolusi gw adalah wanna meet ma beb (miss u:*) and make ma parents happy, selain itu i wanna get married in this year (20-11-2011 <-- tanggalyg lucu for a special day in ma life) ,,hihi..i wanna have a great husband that would love me and i love him too. on 2011, i have a special bday bcoz i'll be 25years old (omagooos..harus lebih dewasa, harus lebih matang, positive thinking, etcetc yg bagus2), and take a look this calender, on my bday 22 april 2011, its a good friday *hopes*, and on my bday its an earth day (yup, 22april is HARI BUMI) i was glad ma wonderfuls life on 2010, it was an amaziing year for me coz sebagian resolusi saya mencapai target yang saya inginkan. thx GOD for my life, for my breath, for all of things that happen to me:) wish 2011 be a great year for all of us..ameen.. (1.1.11 by ima)

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