Wednesday, 10 February 2010

wasting time to kampung with my dad

coto makassar in ggak street with my dad, om pudding and his family and om moran's children

Trans Studio makassar, play and fun with my cousins, and im the old one...fiuhhh!!

museum rotterdam with my cousin (iya and ka diana), just took pic and around the musium, its so cool!!

.this pic when i was in makassar (03/10), harvest of rambutan with my grandma, my uncle and ma dad in my grandmam's house, she harvest her rambutan and manggis,,,yeaaaayyy..yummy..this is  for the first time i eaten manggis..hehee:p

ke makassar karena papa tua (om'y bokap sakit keras dan pengen ketemu kponakan dad..) jd sy dmakassar sm papa slm 2 minggu-an lebih (30jan til 13feb 2010), di kampung cm 2 malam...its an amazing journey, wasting time with my dad in his village:) nice..
Februari 2012

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