i like lenka so much, and i wanna watch her concert. but im in palu right now, havent chance coz have no time to go to jakarta:( hufff.. okey i dont wanna sad for a long, it just makes me GONDOK :P. i wanna share one of my hobby. im a Photoholic, like to be a photomodel (sadar kamera abisss deh!) and love to be a photographer. i have ever told about KALCITRA, right? (in the other my blog, plase klik
OrdinaryMe ). Kalacitra is one of organization for student in my campus. its organization of photography, we could learn anything bout photograph, the technic to take a picture, use the tripod, edit, CUCI CETAK foto manual di ruang gelap (i really love this, coz its classic, rght:P), take a journalism photo, take a salon photo (in a studio with a lamp, umbrella lamp and others) and anything bout that.i love it. i got my 1st SLR camera manual from my big sist (Kiki, kebetulan dia juga pernah di organisasi fotografi khusus kalangan Mahasiswa fakultas sastra, UI <-- dulu masih sastra, sekarang kyy udah fakultas Budaya deh..kalo ga salah!), she loves too, she has an old camera SLR and given it to me. it was really difficult for me bcoz its an oooolllllddd camera:P. i bought my 2nd camera SLR on 2006, its semi manual/autofocus. with a standard lens (28-80), its CANON EOS 100/EOS ELAN. i wanna sell my camera, but i think nobody want it to buy, fuuuhh!! so i just save them on my house (bekasi) and i never use them againt since camera digital be a trend.
this is my 2nd camera:)
canon EOS Elan (siapa minat? Please feel free to call me:D)