Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Monday, 18 October 2010

ga ada hubungannya antara unyuu sama warna ungu, cuma agak mirip2 aja spellingnya klo si ungu diucapin dengan cara pengucapan sok imut. ga tau kenapa kt unyu jd begitu booming di jejaring sosial online/internet. menurut pendapat gw, unyuu itu artinya ekspresi gemes ngeliat hal-hal imut/luchuw. unyuu juga bisa jadi mengganti kata "so sweet", tergantung penggunaannya. karena gw suka bgt sm warna ungu (ga nyambung), so' gw tulis posting ini..hihi..tema'y "im on purple",
19okt10 pagi2 iseng.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Singkong Keju

1 sendok Bubuk barbecue
1/2 Keju parut
Susu kental manis
Minyak untuk menggoreng
Air untuk merebus (rebus lho bukan kukus)
Cara Membuat
1. Singkong dipotong-potong lalu direbus hingga merekah
2. Digoreng hingga matang
3. Lalu dibumbui pertama dengan bubuk barbeque, keju parut dan terakhir siram susu kental manis vanila.
sumber reff: resepcahayahati
14-2010 @hum
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
LDR ⌣♡ ⌣
Long Distance Relationship is much fun, altho sometimes feel so lonely and bored. my bf is my cousin, we live bout 5558.5 miles (he was studied in egypt). before i decided to be his gf, i need to make up my mind, think bout de consequence. i feel comfort when i was chatted with him (by phone or chatting online). okey, i wanna share bout ldr..xixixi..check this out,

ღஜ 6 important things in ldr:
1. trust is a key issue.
2. Respect each other's privacy such as dont ask him what his email password.
3. Communication, keep in touch and keep things fun to avoid feeling drained by ldr. sometimes, we need webcam chats when communicating, seeing each other face 2 face, even though miles apart, can make ldr easier to work through.
4. be Romantic, express ur love with another way (dont be monoton), u could send a poem bout him, send ur voice recorded, love song record , sweet video or mybe funny video.
1. trust is a key issue.
2. Respect each other's privacy such as dont ask him what his email password.
3. Communication, keep in touch and keep things fun to avoid feeling drained by ldr. sometimes, we need webcam chats when communicating, seeing each other face 2 face, even though miles apart, can make ldr easier to work through.
4. be Romantic, express ur love with another way (dont be monoton), u could send a poem bout him, send ur voice recorded, love song record , sweet video or mybe funny video.
5. send gift each other in the special moment (anniversary or bday).
6. Realistic.
6. Realistic.
ஜღ 6 positive point about ldr:
1. Just an hour a day (less or more).
2. complete privacy.
3. we can spend more time with frend and family, can still hanging out with them.
4. there will never be big fights, de most u can do is bid gudbye, hang up and turn off de phone or sign out from messenger... and u'll never be disturbed.
5. we wont get slapped.
6. being appreciated more.
1. Just an hour a day (less or more).
2. complete privacy.
3. we can spend more time with frend and family, can still hanging out with them.
4. there will never be big fights, de most u can do is bid gudbye, hang up and turn off de phone or sign out from messenger... and u'll never be disturbed.
5. we wont get slapped.
6. being appreciated more.
Friday, 1 October 2010
Tumis Buncis Singapore
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