Siomay also SOMAY, is an Indonesian steamed fish dumplings with vegetables served in peanut sauce. it's concidered as a light meal which is similiar to Chinese dim sum, and shaped like an ice cream cone with a flat bottom. It's traditionally made from tenggiri fish meat. sometimes another types of seafood such as tuna, mackerel and prawn also can be used to make somay. Other complements to somay r steamed cabbage, steamed potatoes, steamed bitter and tofu. somay and its complements is cutted into bite sixe and topped with peanut sauce, sweet soy sauce and dash of lime. Another varieties of somay is called BATAGOR, also originated from Bandung, West Java. Batagor is very similiar to somay, yet de difference is batagor is a fried one while somay is a steamed one. Yesterday, i tried to cook somay and batagor, this is de result, umm, yummy:>

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