Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Ice Cream Lova'
i love ice cream, krn itu gw pengen bgt bisa bikin eskrim sendiri, hehe, kebetulan nyokap bisa dan tau cara bikinnya, aseeek bisa praktek bikin eskrim:)
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
kue pertama...
pertama kali bikin kue, masih dibantu nyokap sih tp hasilnya lumayan, buktinya nih si butet dikaih sepiring lgsung abis bow, si dd blukutuk makan satu biji itupun ga abis (hah dia krn sirik aja tuh ma gw, krn ternyata kue pertama bikinan gw enak,,hahaa,,pede aja!!) ok lets chek the recipe:>:>:>

Chocola' Crepes a'la IMA THAM
150 g tepung terigu protein sedang
1 mug gelas coklat bubuk
1/2 sendok teh baking powder
1/4 sendok teh soda kue
1/2 sendok teh garam
2 sendok makan gula pasir
1 butir telur
1 gelas penuh susu coklat cair (untuk yg praktis pake ultramilk besar:D)
1 sendok makan margarin, dilelehkan
Cara Membuat
1. campur tepung, coklat bubuk, baking powder, soda kue, garam,
gula lalau aduk.
2. kocok telur dan susu cair dan masukkan ke campuran no.1,
3. masukan lelehan margarin ke campuran yang tadi, aduk rata,
4. olesi margarin di teflon/panci pipih, masukkan satu sendok adonan dan ratakan di teflon,
5. taruh piring, taburi meises dan terakhir dilipat hingga bentuk segitiga,
6. siap disajikan.

by. KP^^
16juni10 01.30pm
siangsiang ujan:-s
Monday, 14 June 2010
white+black = GREY
this is some of my simple style with grey, jilbab abu-abu gw terbatas, jd di foto pake jilbabnya ntu-ntu ajah,,hehee...check this out;)

- grey Triple M Puffy-shirt ( Triple-M )
- Triple M necklace
- black Korean fashion stocking
- brown Triple M ankle boots
- batik ethnic jogja bag
(*i love my batiks bag, i think its truly java, ethnic chic. my mom bought it in traditional market on jogja with a very very cheap price)

grey soda girl cardigan,
black details tanktop,
TRIPLE M necklace,
Black clutch,
grey Giordano jeans.
- photo 2: grey sutra scarf,
grey cardigan,
white shirt,
white roxy bag,
blue logo jeans,
white guess wedgess.
(*umm,setelah gw perhatiin semua foto, i realized that i was most often wear shoulderbag. shoulderbag is a simple and convenient to hanging out, isnt it??:>)
۩ 1st Anniversary ۩
embun kaca mobil perjalanan malam yg dingin dan melelahkan (*kmn itu ay???)
ni dibikin krn mau ikut2an tulisan pasir pantai yg gw buat diatas...ckckckk....
i am
Friday, 11 June 2010
A veil is an article of clothing, worn almost exclusively by women, that is intended to cover some part of de head or face. One view is that as a religious item, it is intended to show honor to an object or space. The actual sociocultural, psychological, and sociosexual functions of veils have not been studied extensively but most likely include the maintenance of social distance and the communication of social status and cultural identity. In Islamic society, various forms of the veil have been adopted from the Arab culture in which Islam arose
In Judaism, Christiany and Islam the concept of covering the head is or was associated with propriety. All traditional depictions of the Virgin Maria, the mother of Crhist, show her veiled. Veiling was a common practice with church-going women until the 1960s, and a number of very traditional churches retain the custom. The wearing of various forms of the Muslim veil has provoked controversy in the West.A variety of headdresses worn by Muslim women in accordance with hijab (the principle of dressing modestly) are sometimes referred to as veils. Many of these garments cover the hair, ears and throat, but do not cover the face. The khimar is a type of headscarf. The niqab and burqa are two kinds of veils that cover most of the face except for a slit or hole for the eyes. The Afghan burqa covers the entire body, obscuring the face completely, except for a grille or netting over the eyes to allow the wearer to see. The boshiya is a veil that may be worn over a headscarf; it covers the entire face and is made of a sheer fabric so the wearer is able to see through it. It has been suggested that de practice of wearing a veil - uncommon among th Arab tribes prior to the rise of Islam - originated in the Byzantine Empire, and then spread. (*copas by. Wikipedia )
In Judaism, Christiany and Islam the concept of covering the head is or was associated with propriety. All traditional depictions of the Virgin Maria, the mother of Crhist, show her veiled. Veiling was a common practice with church-going women until the 1960s, and a number of very traditional churches retain the custom. The wearing of various forms of the Muslim veil has provoked controversy in the West.A variety of headdresses worn by Muslim women in accordance with hijab (the principle of dressing modestly) are sometimes referred to as veils. Many of these garments cover the hair, ears and throat, but do not cover the face. The khimar is a type of headscarf. The niqab and burqa are two kinds of veils that cover most of the face except for a slit or hole for the eyes. The Afghan burqa covers the entire body, obscuring the face completely, except for a grille or netting over the eyes to allow the wearer to see. The boshiya is a veil that may be worn over a headscarf; it covers the entire face and is made of a sheer fabric so the wearer is able to see through it. It has been suggested that de practice of wearing a veil - uncommon among th Arab tribes prior to the rise of Islam - originated in the Byzantine Empire, and then spread. (*copas by. Wikipedia )
~Make Up~
gw ga suka bermake-up ria, kondangan pun paling cuma pake eyeshadow, blush on, contact lens, mascara, lipstik and eyeliner ajah (banyak ya, lengkap pisan..). untuk hari-hari biasa gw lebih suka pake pelembab/moisturiser, bedak tipis seadanya, lipglos sm eyeliner aja (ga tau kenapakalo ga pk eyeliner jd rada ga pede gitu) dan kadang gw pake mascara utk bulumata bawah kalo lg mau aja (krn utk bulu mata atas gw agak kesulitan, bulumata atas gw pndek, takut jepitnya juga, huhuu..), kadang jg pake mascara yg gw bubuhin di alis (gw ga bisa bgt pake pensil alis, pernah nyoba jatohnya malah ky banci alias bencong taman lawang gituh#-o hiy..jadi mending pake mascara yg udh agak jadul dan kering, biar alis gw kerengan dikit dan jatohnya lebih natural juga loh:>).
ni tranformasi gw, dari yg polos bgt tanpa make up trus yg cuma pake eyeliner (agak tebel) lanjut ke make up kondangan tipis sampe ke yg paling medok (pas abang2 gw merit), diliat yah bedanya muka gw..hahahaaa..(*ga penting bgt y ni postingan gw, narsis abeeess!!)..
ni tranformasi gw, dari yg polos bgt tanpa make up trus yg cuma pake eyeliner (agak tebel) lanjut ke make up kondangan tipis sampe ke yg paling medok (pas abang2 gw merit), diliat yah bedanya muka gw..hahahaaa..(*ga penting bgt y ni postingan gw, narsis abeeess!!)..
Friday, 4 June 2010
MULUTmuw.....BAUUUU ketyeeekkk.....

i am
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